Homieday, Homiember 14, 2089
The Future of Social Crypto Transactions
Send funds, check balances, buy, sell, snipe and manage your crypto assets all through Twitter DMs or tweets.
Your AI powered Web3 assistant on X

Dex Screener
Coin Gecko
CA: 0x00000000000….
Send funds to X usernames or
Transfer tokens to friends or wallets directly on Twitter. No seed phrases, no downloads, just tag @0xHomiebot and you're in.
Check Balances & Token Info
Integrated with CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap for real-time data.
Swap Tokens Across Chains
Buy, sell, and swap tokens on BNB Chain and beyond.
Instant Smart Wallets
Create a wallet in seconds with a single tweet. No seed phrases, no hassle.
Gasless Transactions
0xHomie sponsors gas fees for a seamless experience.